Crecimiento con inteligencia artificial

Inteligencia artificial que le ayuda a mejorar la tasa de retención, la tasa de valor de por vida, la tasa de abandono, la tasa de conversión de clientes potenciales y la tasa de ventas adicionales y cruzadas, gracias a sus datos de CRM y/o ERP.


AI for Customer Lifecycle

Elevate Your Business. AI Optimizes the Customer Lifecycle from Lead Capture to Loyalty, streamlining demand generation, lead conversion, and retention efforts.

Demand Capture
Our AI solution for Marketing Teams.

Customer acquisition is becoming increasingly expensive. The customer lifecycle is becoming more complex, and acquisition processes are no longer linear.

Shimoku has developed an AI solution to help your business identify actionable opportunities that drive acquisition, optimizing the performance of your marketing campaigns and reducing the cost per acquisition.
Lead 2 Client
Our AI solution for Sales Teams.

Companies face the challenge of sales teams wasting time chasing leads that will never convert or spending hours working with multiple tools to find ineffective growth opportunities.

Shimoku has developed an AI solution to help your business identify lead opportunities with a high probability of conversion.
Client 2 loyal - Expansion
Our AI solution for Sales and Customer Success Teams.

SaaS companies generate, on average, 34% of new Annual Recurring Revenue through upsells and expansions. Successful business models grow by discovering new revenue streams within their existing customer base.

Shimoku has developed an AI solution to help your company identify customers with the potential to generate more revenue, exploring opportunities ranging from cross-selling to account expansion.
Client 2 loyal - Retention
Our AI solution for Sales and Customer Success Teams.

Retaining an existing customer is 8 times cheaper than acquiring a new one. Use our AI solution to provide Sales and Customer Success teams with practical information about the likelihood of customer churn.

Help these teams minimize customer loss by increasing value delivery through personalized approaches.
Budget Allocation Prediction
Browser & Search
Grid Optimization Catalog
AI browse & search
AI Generated Grid
Demand Capture
Lead Scoring Prediction
Sales Copilot
CPQ Copilot
AI Negotiator
Discount Prediction
Shopping Cart
& Checkout
Abandoned Cart Copilot
Lead 2 Client
Customer Review
Customer Feedback Prediction
Upselling Prediction
Cross-selling Predic...
Loyalty Prediction
Discount Prediction
Retention Prediction
Renewals Prediction
Discount Prediction
Client 2 Loyal

Por sector

Para diferentes sectores, hemos creado el mejor software tecnológico que revoluciona las industrias para siempre.

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Shimoku nos ha dado una ventaja competitiva con sus predicciones de precios y ventas cruzadas. Se ha convertido en la solución perfecta para el crecimiento de nuestro negocio
Pedro Serrano, Milanuncios · Grupo Adevinta | SaaS B2C


Ve a nuestros expertos compartir conocimientos y soluciones prácticas en un entorno de aprendizaje dinámico. Perfecto para profesionales que buscan mejorar su experiencia.

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