How Flax&Kale increased their customers' LTV with Shimoku

Flax&Kale operates under a B2B2C business model as a restaurant chain and ecommerce platform, catering to both end customers and supermarkets with their kombucha line.

The Solution

Customer 360. Cross-selling Prediction

At Shimoku, we developed a solution that allowed Flax&Kale to unify various data sources to build a 360 customer profile, integrating online and offline behavior data into a single customer journey. This enabled them to establish a unified loyalty program that rewarded each customer's behavior, enhancing their experience across all channels.

We designed an Artificial Intelligence solution that, using these Customer 360 profiles, predicted whether a customer would make a repeat purchase or not, and for those who wouldn't, we recommended personalized offers. This solution helped them increase the customer's LTV, reduce churn rate, and provide a hyper-personalized customer experience across all channels (Online & Offline).

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